Get Started

ACPA believes the best choice is
an informed choice.

We understand that an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing
and overwhelming. We know what you’re going through and
we can help you find answers.


Making an adoption plan; choosing a family; legal & financial concerns; counseling and support;
resources for those who choose parenting; and any other concerns will be discussed.

Once you have had a chance to talk through all of your options, you will be better equipped to make a
decision that feels right to you. An ACPA birth mother specialist will be with you every step of the way.


Creating an
Adoption Plan

Your birth mother specialist will work closely
with you to help you determine what we refer
to as your “adoption plan”.

Learn More

Finding a Family

You can actually choose an adoptive family
for your child based on your standards, values
and the qualities that are important to you.

Learn More