One Church One Mission



“…let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” – 1 John 3:18

There are around 15,000 children and youth in foster care in Pennsylvania and a critical need for resource homes.  One Church One Mission works with churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other communities of faith to recruit and support resource families.  Fostering may seem daunting and lonely, but with a community of faith resource families and the kids placed with them can find success in meeting their needs for a healing journey in foster care.  Through this initiative, they can get the needed support to make the temporary placement successful.

The Core Elements of the One Church One Mission Program:

  • We collaborate with communities of faith as they identify potential resource parents willing to care for at least one child;
  • We provide training for leaders of communities of faith, parents, coordinators, and others;
  • We partner with the counties with which ACPA has contracts;
  • We, along with communities of faith, provide support to foster and adoptive parents before and after placements.

How Does It Work?

In the One Church One Mission program, communities of faith work in tandem with Adoption Connection, PA.  We provide and coordinate training for the faith community on foster care, requirements, needs, mental health care, etc.  We provide the needed support for the resource family and the placed child, through monthly stipends, trainings, professional support, placements, mediation, etc. 

The community of faith will work to find caring families/individuals who are able and willing to provide foster care services and feel called to do so.  Additionally, the community of faith will provide support for the family and the children/youth placed with them in ways that are able to.

Such opportunities may include:

  • Prayer
  • Mentor/tutor a child
  • Volunteer
  • Provide respite care
  • Sponsor a monthly support group for resource and adoptive parents
  • Share the knowledge and resources that One Church One Mission and Adoption Connection, PA offers
  • Provide transport for the child or the family
  • Offer encouragement and support to those individuals in your congregation who are foster parents or those who have adopted a child
  • Make a monthly and/or yearly financial commitment to Adoption Connection, PA

If you would like more information about our One Church One Mission program, you can call or email us.  We would love to work with you.

Implementation Guide